Proper THC & CBD Dosages

So You Wanna Get High?.


Using Marijuana in any form is detectable on drug tests, and the length of time depends on the type of test. See the general rules below:

Quick Guidelines For Smoking/Eating

A quick word on CBD is that if you buy it from a real dispensary and not from a gas station, you will get better quality and effects. However, CBD is legal to sell and consume, even at a gas station. So, if you are worried about dosage-don’t. Dispensaries and companies use the perfect balance of products that contain CBD-which CBD is found in al cannabis, just in lower amounts.

Quick Rule: Tell the people at the dispensary how you want to feel, and they have the knowledge to make it happen! They will pair your want to a terpene-which will give you the exact feelings you desire...



Are you looking for information on how much THC or CBD to smoke or eat? This question holds a lot of people back from indulging in one of the coolest things we can do as humans (sometimes). The reason I have found people to be sketchy of Cannabis is because of the lack of information and disinformation. My favorite metaphor to tell people is that “Just because you have an entire bottle of tequila, doesn’t mean you need to drink the entire bottle.” The same goes for Cannabis, eating French fries, playing video games, etc. Moderation is key.

If you have never smoked Cannabis before then pay attention to a few GENERAL Cannabis Smoking and Eating Rules listed 

You may want to start with some Sativa for your first time. Why? Sativa with the proper terpenes can give you a nice moderate and uplifting high. Whereas if you aren’t expecting Indica, it could catch you off guard, and you might find yourself looking in the mirror trying to find peace about that candy bar you stole when you were 6. Indica makes you more relaxed, yes. However Indica can bring out some dramatic feelings. Which, is the most favored feeling-you just have to be prepated for it. You don’t want to somke for your fiest time and go to sleep missing your favorite childhood toy.

In either sense you will find yourself laughing and seeing the brighter side of life. As Kat Williams said “You need some f*ck-it”.

Before You Smoke Know That Our AI Thinks A Person Who Smoked Cannabis Looks Like Those people. Do you want to really risk it?

A person high on cannabis with red eyes smiling
A person high on cannabis with red eyes smiling

How the Effects of THC Come On

That first hit will calm those thoughts of bills and mishaps in the back of your mind. You will be like ” You know what? F8ck-it. Everything is fine. It always is.”. Marijuana is not like alcohol in the sense that I consider Alcohol to be a much more potent substance. The first time you smoke marijuana is the last time you will ever feel that “first high”. To people like me, I just smoke 2 bowls of realy good stuff with some coffee, and trust me-the writing is flowing from my fingertips into your brain. I feel more confident, more consice, my thoughts are much well considered before acting. And, at times it seems as if the colelctive thoughts I just had make time slow down for me to move beyond the speed of any man-made mechanism. I can philosphise with ease, becuase my understanding of the world (when you remove the background noise of democracy and just listen. My thoughts aren’t to many. No. My thoughts are directly focused on task-at-hand. There are few distractions in the mind of a pothead. That is why we look at you in curiosity when you address us, because first we have to wonder, how long have you been standing there, and damn it, I could see it. The other side. I know what’s there becuase I can feel it. True moments of realization and calmness can come from a nice relaxed high. Much needed for the common working person. The average news gawkers. The parents and all the people.

To be taken away from the norm of society and the harsh words of the world is beyond priceless. Finally, an escape. That is the foundation of marijuana and to all the people that want to share it with the world so they march. They march because it’s your only escape and you need it. If not cannabis everyone and every creature chooses something to take them out of their norm. Why though? That was rhetorical. To human is to err. To take off the glasses. To see the world without the noise. That constant background noise of life. Red lettered bills in the mail and the worry of the tomorrow are lost and muffled in this place. And a half hour later you are on the phone eating chips, maybe gardening, cleaning is a common side effect of smoking pot too just so you know in advance.

The effects we can all agree that we don’t want to experience from Cannabis is the over-the-top high where you are slightly dizzy, vomiting, paranoia, etc. Similarly, if you drink too much tequila, you may also feel that way. We need to understand that our body cannot always take what our minds can.

The Magic Key To Enjoying Cannabis & CBD: Moderation

I am an avid smoker, and even I take a puff, wait 10-20 minutes, and if I am not high I will smoke more to my level of “how high can I be right now?” You don’t have to kep smoking or eating cannabis until you are stoned, becuase if you do, when the rest of what you had catches up with you, oh man classic mistake my friend. You might see jebus and will not be able to be a functioning part of society as you may be spinning, laughing your ass off at merely anything like a cat. Never look at a cat’s  or a dog’s face directly when you are high. You will offer communication on a level that even they wil look at you like you are a f*fucking weirdo. They will walk away, oh yes.

Choose Your High

Things To Be Aware of Before Smoking Cannabis

Smoking Or Vaping Cannabis

Smoking Cannabis and Eating Cannabis products offer  two different effects and the highs can all last for different durations. Asking how long you will be high from smoking a joint has variables to the same effect as asking “How sweet are those cookies?” For Cookie , one could judge the sweetness based on the amount of sugar and other sweeteners. For Cannabis we go by 2 aspects to determine effects and duration. 

Smoking Cannabis whether it is in a Joint, Blunt, Vape Pen, or in a Rig will get you high almost immediately. What you first feel is the THC. THC first hits your body and says “Get ready for Terpenes!” Your body is now preparing for the message it just received and is waiting for the terpenes to arrive.

Terpenes are the effects of the Cannabis in the second wave of smoking THC. At first the THC may of overwhelmed you as it came on so quick, but again tequila. Start with a small puff to taste. Wait 10-20 minutes and learn and understand the high before you go bottoms up and end up spinning and not feeling well.

Eating/Drinking Cannabis

Eating Cannabis can catch even the most avid Cannabis smoker off-guard. Eating Cannabis from flower form will do nothing at all to you-it has to be cooked. So, if when you were younger you simply mixed a few buds into some brownies or just ate it for fun, without Decarboxylation, you nor your friends got high. Lies. All Lies…

The reason is that you must first heat the Cannabis between 220 and 240 degrees Fahrenheit for specific times in different mediums that create edibles such as Weed Butter, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, and a variety of other bases to use in almost any recipe.

Now, when you consume the cannabis in edible form, your body has to process the cannabis which can take up to an hour and a half or longer for some people who have never eaten cannabis. I feel the effects within a half hour-and for “Fast Acting” gummies, like 5 minutes. Why do I and so many others process cannabis faster?

The reason why some people feel the effects faster than others from eating cannabis is because, your body studies what you put in it. Your body has a series of questions it wants to know before moving on to digestion or it will expel what you put in it. Your body breaks down broccoli fast because, it knows what broccoli is, and how to properly digest it, as well as the fact that the food is not harmful, and exactly what acids your stomach will need to process the food. The same instructions are followed with all things we put in our body. The digestion process in our body actually starts the proper chemicals upon simply smelling food. There are lots of processes happening in the edible aspect between your body and cannabis.

Again, for me, my body knows what cannabis and CBD are without hesitation, and so, it begins breaking down the product much faster than someone who has never eaten it before. So, after some churning and finally making it over to the liver, now the cannabis finally gets into your system. Whereas, smoking, gets into your bloodstream almost immediately.


Conclusion: Always eat small amounts of edibles that you have never taken before and wait to see the effects before eating another cookie.